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This week...

As I hope this blog wilI be informtive I'll come straight to the point with my first post.

This week I was asked two questions: The first was if I knew of any examples of exposing 1960's (or thereabouts) concrete and leaving it rough and ready and what this might look like. The reply I gave was to look at William Tozer Architecture and Design at

The second question was whether it would be possible to produce an in situ polished concrete floor with a thickness of 40mm. The answer is yes... if you are prepared to lay a bonded topping (25-40mm), not have it reinforced and risk bonding it (SBR+cement or epoxy) to a well prepared substrate. I've done only two previously and both worked out really well. The substrate needs to be decent non dusting concrete, well scabbled and VERY clean. My understanding is that there is not much difference between using an epoxy or SBR bonding agent. The first time I did it the technical help told me "beware the worm that turns". By this he meant that the concrete should be placed onto wet, not dry SBR/Cement mix. When it's wet it is grey. When dry it goes bluish in colour. I would do it if it were my floor.

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